Rex the Riveter

Really? I haven’t actually seen that comic before. I had no intention of ripping off his idea. I just thought, like many people do, that the poor T-Rex’s tiny arms would be funny. And then with a muscled power gesture it grew a bit.

And orabbit: Hopefully more in the future. We’ll see. I’ll definitely enter more and I’ll submit ideas for the daily shirts soon.

I know I’m in the minority, but I’m a bit disappointed with this derby. There’s more to science than dinosaurs…says the chemist who is looking wistfully at all the anthropology-themed shirts…

I sat here for a minute trying to think of a forearms / four arms joke, but instead I’ll just say congrats on your first print obvian!

Who’d have thought prehistoric creatures would dominate the science derby?

I was about to ask if this is where he got his inspiration because this is what I first thought of.

I don’t think obvian has anything to worry about here. If somebody can’t make the “Rex the Riveter” to “Rosie the Riveter” connection, I don’t think you should be all that concerned about them shouting COMIC BOOK RIPOFF!

I think this is a step up from yesterday.

That is awesome.

Nearly bought yesterday’s shirt, but I like this one more. I always loved the source material and how can I say no to a dinosaur with robotic augmentations? It’s silly and well done.

More like “Engineering can do it!”

First day sales 1908

Mine just came in the mail, I LOVE IT. Such a great shirt to wear in a fringe-Bible-Belt area!

Wear it proudly. Godspeed!

…Wait. Wrong motivational phrase. :stuck_out_tongue: