Ring Bearer

Thanks you guys! Rest assured: you will not turn invisible if you put this on, though the Nazgul and/or Manhunters may suddenly become keenly aware of your presence.

You can always wear the shirt over your head in place of the paper bag. ;D

Oooh I totally whiffed on this one. My immediate thought was that this was Gleek from the Wonder Twins. I thought he had eaten Jayna in the “form of Fish” and that he was hiding on a rock in a “form of pond” Zan.

Wonder Twin Powers Activate.

Design another one making fun of LeBron James and I’ll buy it.

Leni Riefenstahl was quite a talented and good looking woman in her day, unfortunately her ‘day’ was sometime in the 1930’s.

Pioneering and creative, manipulative and exploitive, self-centered and driven, hypocritical and capable of theft, fraud, and deceit…her biography shows her to be all this and more.

I have read a bit about her long before this shirt’s offering and I still don’t get what the allusion to Leni Riefenstahl’s films was supposed to mean.

Let the nerdy corrections begin!

“Teeth! teeth! my preciousss; but we has only six!”

This takes place much earlier in his life, when he still had the spark of hope in his heart. I think it’s in the Silmarillion somewhere.

The nerds accept your logic and are appeased.

This shirt is teRINGific!! I’m now been trying to make connections between these parallel two universes (multiverses):

Green Lanterns = Men; despite being easily corrupted, show their greatest strength in overcoming their fears for the future of Middle Earth
(Hal Jordan = Aragorn?)

Anti-monitor = Sauron/Morgoth;

Black Lanterns = Nazgul (oathbreakers if you want)

White Lanterns = Maiar, both were sent by some high white being(s) to accomplish a task.

Blue Lanterns = Hobbits, really useless unless you accompany it with a green lantern/man. Its a buffer.

Red Lanterns = Mordor. Obvious.

Sinestro Corps = Isengard, you know because there’s that betrayal of Saruman/Sinestro and the conquest for power

Agent Orange = Dwarves, avarice for gold. Look at what happened to Moria.

Star Sapphires = elves. They love, its what they do, not to mention the love couples.
Carol Ferris/Hal Jordan = Aragorn/Arwen

Indigo Tribe = The Eagles. Yeah I ran out of races, but Gwaihir was pretty compassionate in helping Gandalf escape Orthanc and carrying him around to his every whim

You give Kilowog some wings and light him on fire and you’ve got yourself a Balrog.

Why do all the shirts I end up buying come in the same colour? All three I’ve bought this month have been in the same sad shade of grey.

For the last 5 hours I’ve been reading the artist’s name as “apple lad”

You guys are clearly a cult of some kind.

Note only 30 something entries as of now…

This whole string of thread is frightening in it’s subculture implications…

Clearly, you all need to get a life, or a job or something…

…my goodness…

this hurts my geek brain.
-gollum has no willpower
-gollum is greedy (ORANGE lantern!)
-there isn’t one ring in the GL corps, there were originally 7200 (I think. 3600 sectors, two lanterns a sector?) and now there are potentially more.


It took me a minute to get this design. I think I must be getting old. Dammit.

My guess on the tie in to the Riefenstahl films are two fold. One the Lord of the Rings can be seen as an allegory to the East v West battles in WWII, with the West winning. This might not go over well at the sort of German political party film festival she would be at in her time. Also, her film Triumph of Will, has a mild tie in to the Green Lantern theme, in that Green Lanterns control their rings with the force of will.

Just my $0.02.

Is it just me or have the standards of the Green Lantern Corps fallen considerable as of late?

I guess it’s “One ring to rule them all, Justice League style!”

Shame he’s not an Orange Lantern, but a great job nonetheless, good timing too!

Okay, I’m going to see LOTR tonight and Green Lantern Sunday. What the hell, Woot? You couldn’t sell this a couple of weeks ago?

We actually had a little bet going in the writer’s room about how long it would take someone to say that very thing. So thank you.