Royal PF FridgeFrame 1.5" LCD Digital Picture Frame 2-Pack

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Royal PF FridgeFrame 1.5" LCD Digital Picture Frame 2-Pack
$5.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!

That is a cheap frame

what the crap?

hardware huge, picture small

Good magnet? I don’t want it falling off when I open/shut the door.

Note to rich folks with nice appliances: this may not stick to your stainless steel fridge!

It’s so tiny!

They sure are ugly.

Won’t work on most stainless steel fridges.


These are from Australia.

Have one. Screen is way too small and constantly having to recharge it makes this inconvenient for practical use.

I think you mean Austria

Might definitely be worth getting just to harvest the motion sensor.

Yeah, my roommate bought me one as a joke and it’s been on the fridge for a month.

Do NOT!! format or try to drag images onto this thing. You have to use their software. I didn’t and I promptly ruined the thing somehow. So as useless as it was to begin with, it’s even more useless now…just a big clip hanging off my fridge.

Wonder why some people aren’t at work.

outta here

Noooooo! (with one of those grand-canyon sized echos)

awesome, now I can hang my 8 yr old’s art project back on the fridge

Meh on the ratings and can’t find a use for this. Of course, I can’t find a use for the BOC and that doesn’t keep me from wanting one!