Rubie's Costume Co Zapata Mustache

Rubie's Costume Co Zapata Mustache

At this price you can buy enough to make an affordable wig since it’s made from 100% HUMAN HAIR!??!!

I wouldn’t stick it anywhere near my mouth though. :face_vomiting:

So do you think this hair comes from below the chin?

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Not unless they have a mini iron to straighten them all out.

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I feel that I need to apologise for being too quick to judge this product without first getting some facts.

Is the human hair obtained from ethical farmers?
Do they utilize sustainable environmental hair farming practices?
What is the carbon footprint of producing 1 Zapata mustache?
Are the humans free range and non GMO?

@ThunderThighs I look forward to your reply.


You know this is farmed from college kids at frat parties.