Santana Hat Collection – Supernatural

hopefully theres only a dozen or two.

Oh god, it’s gone meta.

Wow. Really? This is is two decades late and would probably have been irrelevant back in 1998 too. Did Amazon find this dusty box in the darkest corner of the warehouse?

I think these caps are really popular in Fresno and Turlock.

Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.

Would this be like a brag of cap?

They couldn’t pay me 14.99 to take this.

You have GOT to be kidding me…

Are they looking for items to put in b(o)c’s?

Why in the world is this even on the main woot site? Amazon muddling?

worst woot-off possible??

if it was the first album, i’d be all over it

This hat came about as the aborted fetus of a drunken Affliction and Ed Hardy love fest.

Don’t push it…

Regardless of the questions, the answer for this item will always be: drugs. Lots and lots of drugs.

Bag of Crap, not Hat of Crap please

wow, an ugly $20 hat. for shame. literally, wear this if you have none or want some.

EEEEWWWWW. You could puke on this hat and never know the difference.

This look hideous!

I lol’d.

Did it get really loud in here or is it just that hat?