Satzuma USB Plasma ball

Dammit! I wanted one of those!

shit fire great big balls of plasma

DANG YOU W00TERS!! Sold out! You guys weren’t around for the dang USB pencil sharpener, so it lasted forever, but the plasma ball I want, you guys buy out!!


All of the carp, none of the bag!

If it were only 4.99. And firewire!

I feel those who buy this suffer themselves from blue orb syndrome

How did this not get the “Worst Woot” Avitar?

It’s about time… Something to go with the USB pencil sharpner…

Where is the USB stapler & USB tape dispenser?

Sooo close, bummer.

haha woot has derailed off the tracks… where is it leading us =T

Dear Plasma Ball… we left you in the 90’s for a reason

My plans for world domination are near an end… NOW THAT I HAVE MY PLASMA BALL!

Tell me, if it doesn’t need any software to work why does it require atleast 50MB of free hard disc space?

aww couldnt get in

whoa . . . that took, like, 5 s.

epic carp.

I really wanted this one…

Would just be cool to bring to class and plug into the laptop.

I’ve got one of these, and it works surprisingly well.

Just because YOU’RE all out of shrooms, mescaline and LSD, doesn’t mean the rest of us are…