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Wootalyzer’s Pricing Post! - The price of today’s woot item is saved here for future reference
Schwinn 131 Upright Exercise Bike
$249.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New
Product List:
- 1 Schwinn 131 Upright Exercise Bike with Water Bottle Holder, Built In Fan, Reading Rack
DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!
Are these Woot-off compatible?
Who said they wanted a killer?
killer -.-
Is this for real?
looks just for woots target audience
Would you be happy or sad to get one of these in a B-o-C?
you could use one
a moment of silence please for the death of the wootoff.
The perfect thing to sit on while wooting!
That’s one expensive clothes hanger to dry my laundry on!
Darn…I wanted the Schwinn horizontal exercise bike. Maybe next time…
Schwinn 131 Upright Exercise Bike
* + $5 shipping
1 Schwinn 131 Upright Exercise Bike with Water Bottle Holder, Built In Fan, Reading Rack
Booo this item
Anybody get one of these when they were offered last time?
Woo hoo – Break time. I’ll eat some TacoBell, then I’ll wish I had this!