Scooter Pen Game

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Scooter Pen Game
$0.01 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

Product List:

  • 1 Excalibur RD33-CC Scooter Pen Game

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New Scooter Pen Game, for $0.01 + $5 shipping
Product: 1x Excalibur RD33-CC Scooter Pen Game

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Oh one of those

haha get out of here

I’ve been awake for 3 hours for this? lol

Ugggghhh. How long before something good?!

Better than that pencil

At least it’s priced correctly. Too bad I’m not a rube that buys three of anything.

Good Night all

You’ve got to be kidding.




this is what i waited for?

a great website to kill time with during the wootoff killers


I agree. This is annoyingggg

Someone just buy 500 of these and give to homeless people. Next!

I dunno, I liked the handwhisk.

But this?

No thanks.