Scott Harvey Angel Ice (2)

I was under the impression that in order for it to be an icewine, the grapes had to freeze on the vine. This winery is in California in an area that will never get cold enough to freeze the grapes on the vine.

Very true; however this is clearly named an ice style wine. I’m assuming the grapes were frozen after being picked to simulate the same results.
In the PA small town I grew up in on the shores of Lake Erie - they make true ice wines when the conditions allow.

Any rats for this one? Very tempting to try one of his ice ‘style’ wines!

Haven’t opened a 2013 yet but should be similar to the previous vintage, which has apricot, honey, toffee and ripe pear flavors. Good stuff!

What vintage did we have at the recent SoCal gathering? Might have been the 2013. Either way it was delicious.

Yes it was (the 2013), and yes it was (delicious).

We did a side by side with the 2013 and 2010

2013 was lite, sweeter, thicker than the 2010. Apricot and honey were the flavors we found to be the most prominent.

You are absolutely correct, of course, but I can see the source of confusion when I look at how the offer is written: Scott Harvey Angel Ice Wine. Unless you happen to know from prior experience that the title of the wine is Angel Ice, you might easily think they’re calling it Ice Wine.

A biIt too sweet for my liking if I recall. I preferred the Chesebro Sauvignon blanc late harvest…

We recently opened a bottle of this and had it with cheese cake. A perfect match.

Eight in the cellar…
More required?

Of course. :tongue:

Held off for as long as I could, turned out I got the last set! Thanks for the peer pressure guys, we need more ice wines in the cellar!

Wish I could have bought this, but this one wouldn’t ship to NC :frowning:

Woot - more ice wines (and sweet wines for that matter!!)