Screaming Monkey with Woot Cape

Turn out the lights, the party is over.

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Screaming Monkey with Woot Cape
Price: $3.99
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard OR $10 Two-Day OR $20 One-Day
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 3-5 business days. (Friday, Mar 20 to Wednesday, Mar 25) + transit
Condition: New


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Previous Similar Sales (May not be exact model)
3/17/2015 - $3.99 (Woot-off) - Click To See Discussion (9 comments)
12/1/2014 - $3.99 (Woot-off) - Click To See Discussion (2 comments)
12/1/2014 - $3.99 (Woot-off) - Click To See Discussion (21 comments)

3/9/2015 - $3.99 (Woot Plus)
3/9/2015 - $3.99 (Woot Plus)
12/11/2014 - $3.99 (Woot Plus)

The screaming monkey used to always be the symbol the Woot off was over. Wonder if that’s true now?

Yes, this is the end.

Ha the old Bandolier of Carrots Cape love it down for three

meh…rather get an impossible to get Bag O Cerapp three of them. Oh Woot!, I knew ye when…

I do not care. My dog loves her Woot monkey, and she just last week killed the last of the supply. I am now able to replenish said supply, which may keep doggie happy for the rest of her life!

I remember when Woot used to have deals. I’ve been sticking around since aught six, but after never getting a BOC and finding few sales that are any better than pricing easily found elsewhere I think I’m over it. They’re just being turned into Amazon with less selection, which I guess is obvious since that’s who owns them.

And now, the end is near…the final curtain…certain…etc…


Must have a barrel O Monkeys!

Used to be a hard get back in the day.

I have to agree,its not the same Woot from years ago,and the bag,if you blink your eyes,its gone before you can press,I WANT ONE.Also their are few posts,not like it use to be,where you had pages on every item,and it was fun.

Just checked into my hotel room in Chicago. Would buy the monkeys but I have been forbidden and I am going to have to explain the STar Wars Stickers.

Missed a bunch of bags so I hope everyone got one.

Great Woot Off!

Whoops! I was working on stuff and not only missed getting the monkey (sad face) but missed getting this up in time:

Deepest apologies. But at least it is here. Traditions will be upheld!

Is it me, or are Woot-offs just not as interesting or exciting as they used to be?

I’m now house-training my very first ‘Screaming Woot Monkey,’ who at first was banished to the bedpost because, well, he scares my poor cats. I’d read your post right before I ordered this guy, and I thought ahhh…great cat toy:) Alas, my two boys are still a tad frightened by him, and my girlie won’t even go near him!

He does have good company, however (and competition), as I’d bought a lovely critter named ‘Peck’ on Valentines Day. He also still scares the cats a bit (perhaps it’s those pointy teeth) :smiley: Peck adores the monkey though, as you can see by the hearts in his eyes, so he has a good home here.

The monkey sat on my Cody’s back for a brief moment a bit ago–that really didn’t go over well at all; we won’t discuss what happened to my hand after that incident. I instead placed the monkey next to him, and sadly my Cody is staring at the smiling monkey with much contempt. I do hope that, much like ‘Peck,’ they will develop a wonderful love/hate relationship before he tears the stuffing out of him anyway.

Glad that you were able to replenish the supply for your doggie, & would love to see some pics of her as well–can never get enough of the flying, screaming monkey/pet pics around here:)

Take care,
