SeaBear Smoked Salmon in Totem Gift Box

SeaBear Smoked Salmon in Totem Gift Box

“Its light pink color, firmer texture, and mild flavor make it appealing to a variety of taste palettes.”

  • palates

People should know, though, that this is traditional smoked salmon, not LOX. Not like Nova Lox.

It is heavenly though.

And the box alone is worth the money as a work of art!

Whoops. Thank you! Corrected the spelling.

Damn you Woot! Not only do you exploit my BoC addiction, but now you’re playing on my smoked salmon obsession! Damn, damn, damn you Woot! In for 2!

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At 80$ a lb I’d expect some magical fish to grant me 3 wishes.

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One wish would be, that it’d be cheaper.