Search Bar idea

I want woot to add a search bar on their Home Screen
Just and idea!


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Heh. Never had anyone ask for that.

Yeah, it’s not easy to design a search engine when most of the time it return “not found.”

We’ll keep thinking about it though.

Although, our CEO says if we get so big that we need a search engine, he’ll quit. We like this CEO so don’t hold your breath on a search.


I’d suggest searching on eBay or Amazon for a new CEO, but it’s not like their search engines are much better when looking for stuff.

If no search bar how about a found bar?


cough *cough


The found bar would only show you a random item previously searched by another user to simulate the experience of intending to look for item X, but coming across item N that you were looking for a week ago.

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without a search bar woot is of no use to me. I’m not going to page through to look for stuff.

I’ve heard that the creator of that website can’t even properly finish coughing.



¯\_ (ツ) _/¯

Oki doki.

Trust me. If you’d seen the way search works in our admin side and on shirt, you’d realize you’re in better shape without search.


I wish my wife would follow the same rules. She totally goes to Ross and Marshalls with no real search plan in mind. “I’ll know when I find it.” Yeesh.


Yay! More stuff for me!

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It’s a wild and enjoyable scavenger hunt/shopping experience (like Railroad Salvage or Ocean State Job Lots)…but I’d likely buy much more with a search ability.