Shark Navigator Lift-Away Deluxe Vacuum

Shark Navigator Lift-Away Deluxe Vacuum

Fabulous vacuum cleaner and great deal!

I’ll stop complaining, Woot, after this post then just quietly decrease my once multiple-daily visits here. I’ve waited for improvements following recent changes here. None seem forthcoming.

Today when arriving at, 40% of the Woot landing screen was taken up by banner ads of non-Woot items.

The change over to this comment format is a disaster. It’s now unusable for finding and reading other opinions about the advertised products. Others’ opinions most often stimulated my purchases. Those are nearly non-existent and impossible to find now.

Often now when clicking on an interesting Woot thumbnail footer item, it merely resolves to another screen of multiple items. Boy that’s annoying. Argh.

It’s now an unpleasant effort to stop by Hear that? UNPLEASANT.

This was meant for staff. Please forward to those in charge of recent ‘improvements’ and feel free to erase this post when done. Best to you.


Agree completely. Also, the stoppage of accepting PayPal did it for me. Too much Amazonian influence IMHO.

Not sure if you’re aware, and it’s an extra step, but if you register for a free paypal debit card, you can still make payments via that on the site.

Thank you for the feedback. The post count on the discussion button will be back sometime after the first of the year.

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Yes! I’m extremely happy with mine; looks and runs like brand-new.

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how is it with shag rugs?

Kudos to ABDUL (customer rep). I recently made one of my infrequent purchases and picked up a shark vaccuum cleaner. I cant explain any way but to say that thing is phenomenal. The box did not contain the crevice tool. I contacted Woot Customer Support. After going thru all the hoops, i was given the option of dealing with the situation via email or phone. I selected phone. Withing less than ONE minute (m not kidding it was LESS than one minute) my phone rang and it was Abdul. Told him the situation…he had to ask/look around for the crevice tool. he got back to me by email that a tool was found and it would be on the way.
I havent got it yet but i m sure it will be here withing 10 days.
Great job Abdul and Customer Service. Ive never heard of a call from ANY customer service within less than one minute or an hour or a day.
Thank you woot !!

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YAY! I love our CS team! I’m glad they were able to help you.

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