I wanted to place an order and then found that you don’t ship to everywhere. There is a map which I think indicates that there’s lots areas you don’t ship to.
I live in Canada and I might be outside your range. Any plans to change that?
I would be nice.
Peter Arnott
They probably are not, because they frequently don’t ship to other countries like Alaska even! You might want to remove your email address from this very public forum.
Hey Santa Pete, you can also write into woot to get your voice heard. support@woot.com
Good luck and Happy New Year (if your country celebrates that)
I don’t think Canada can get packages from America.
As the package travels for miles, it hits the “Metric Barrier” at the border that prevents it from going kilometers.
The package gets confused, the shipper gets confused, the two systems of measurement can not mix.
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As much as I want to believe in “Canada” I just don’t. I mean, legend has it they sell milk in bags.
Hi there. I removed your email address.
Here’s the shipping info from our FAQ.
Why isn’t my state/country/province listed; do you ship internationally?
With the exception of Shirt.Woot!, we do not currently ship outside of the contiguous 48 United States. Certain sales or products may not be eligible to ship to specific states. At this time, we do not ship to Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, or Mexico.
Alaska is that big island over by Hawaii isn’t it?
Last map I saw, Alaska is in a box over by there.