Shocking Cell Phone

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Shocking Cell Phone
$0.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

Product List:

  • 1 Jumpin Banana JB016 Shock Cell Phone Toy

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New Shocking Cell Phone, for $0.99 + $5 shipping
Product: 1x Jumpin Banana JB016 Shock Cell Phone Toy

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Shocking Cell Phone [New] - $0.99

1 * Jumpin Banana JB016 Shock Cell Phone Toy

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spencer’s wants their carp back.

shockingly lame



Does it work with ATT?

shipping ruins it

baaa…? Bacon salt?

woot off killer…
…at least make it look like a modern phone.

Are we there yet?

omg balls crap boc bag of crap shit fuck is the only place for stuff like this. free shipping.

$6 for a toy!

how do you get it out of package without getting shocked?

For real?!?

Let’s just hope your “friend” doesn’t have a pacemaker.

shit balls dick fart