Silver Edition Buckyballs 216 Piece Magnetic Set 2-Pack with Exclusive Red & Green Boxes

Woot has lots of balls.

Complain if you like that they’re selling these again, but I’ve missed out in the past so I’m happy to have my chance to finally buy some. And in such festive boxes, how can you really be upset? :slight_smile:

Here you go: Zen Magnets vs Buckyballs Comparison Video - YouTube

As before, I’m not buying these, but I will buy some Zen Magnets if you sell them (not because the Buckyballs CEO is a jerkface but rather because Zen Magnets are a superior product).

Keep 'em outta the hands (or rather mouths) of the youngins.

Best adhere to the 14 and up age recommendations.

Yeah. Woot should be cool and go with the NICER company.

I find it hard to squeeze the balls back into cubic boxes.

I don’t know about y’all, but I keep my balls in a pouch.

My fiance and I are going to have people throw these at us instead of rice after our wedding! We’re both wearing metal robot outfits!

Woot will keep selling until one of us learn to swallow.

Red, Green and Silver…Perfect Christmas Colors

Last week I bought 4 sets for not even $50.00 including S/H but they were an off brand on eBay. But for the real McCoy this is a good deal. I guess I saved like $15

Set of two**

this is two sets for the price of one

Get yourself somw bucky balls on ebay… Way better price than here…

If I gave somebody balls for Christmas, I’d worry that they would think I was accusing them of not having any.

Pass, the owner of this company is a dbag. If I ever want these, I’d go with Zen.

Yeah yeah yeah. So the guy that runs buckyballs is a @#$%. So Zen magnets have a better tolerance. You should order from the little guy blah blah blah.

I agree, but there are Buckyballs up here all the time and they’re still worth it to order two packs for $29. Just saying.

These things are a blast. I usually squeeze them in my hand while I’m ready boring books for class.

so i guess you like to play? i see no use for this

Woot really has a lot of balls.

Been hooked on these things for a few months. BEWARE, there are others on the market. And they are not the precise size. Slightly bigger. It is next to impossible to separate them if they are mixed. Of this, I am certain!!!