Sky Fly Fire Lanterns

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Sky Fly Fire Lanterns
Price: $11.99
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 3-5 business days. (Friday, Jan 23 to Wednesday, Jan 28) + transit
Condition: New


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These are excellent for setting your neighbors’ trees on fire.

Sounds like fun. Lots of dead ash trees around anyway - save the expense of cutting them down and hauling them off. In for a set.

100.00 regular price??? lol

Great! Can’t wait for all the brush fires in socal…

What’s up with the flame retardant paper? We always made them so they burn up before they land.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but the following states have banned these.

California, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia and Washington

(I didn’t do much searching to find this list, probably not all inclusive, or correct)

Isn’t it enough that people do balloon releases that literally choke wildlife? (

There are other creatures on this planet. For heaven’s sake, can’t we quit sending stuff up when we don’t know where or how it will come down, or what or who will be hurt?

I feel like you should disclose that you pulled this from a website that is clearly anti fun and anti balloon. I am thinking they falsified that information as well as the picture of an owl that got choked by a burned out bamboo frame.

That list looks to be the same as the one I found.