Smith & Wesson Delta Force Flashlight

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Smith & Wesson Delta Force Flashlight
Price: $9.99
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard OR $9 One-Day OR $12 Two-Day
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 1-2 business days (Monday, Aug 18 to Tuesday, Aug 19) + transit
Condition: New


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Specialty (read: expensive) batteries, only 93 lumens? About right for $10 these days. At that MSRP? My Mini Maglite Pro+ has 245 on AAs, for roughly the same price.

Why don’t you say that to these guys’ faces:

These must be really old stock… who wants a xenon light that only puts out 93 lumen?
And needs two batteries after two hours use, at four bucks apiece?

No thanks Woot

These are awesome! Buy them!

I won’t but you should, look they are a steal % off msrp!