
That face kind of reminds me of VG Cats’ animation style.

I’ve accepted that I belong to the world run by early birds, as a self professed night owl, I couldn’t in good consciousness wear a shirt that pretended that I’d really ever get up at 5 am. This is definitely me at 7 am.

But yet I may still buy it, since I need a blue woot. (a black one, and a white one) I wish I’d have gotten the pancake one. It was way awesome, but I had a mix up with another woot. Too much woot. LOL Woot, Woot!

Maybe I’ll buy this for my roommate as a passive aggressive way of saying “hey man, your alarm clock wakes me up every morning…4 times every morning.”

Change the dial to say 10:00am and I’ll buy :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks to my extreme alarm clock app for android, i can stop myself from hitting snooze by forcing me to solve math problems. by the time i get through them, im already too awake to go back under. its saved me from many a late day

But your kid didn’t, so keep complaining while they make mad bank.

Does anyone know why it is always nine minutes?


Just for the record my snooze is 7 minutes

This shirt reminds me of this Seinfeld bit, [I would have posted video but they all seem to have been taken down].

“I never get enough sleep. I stay up late at night, cause I’m Night Guy. Night Guy wants to stay up late. ‘What about getting up after five hours sleep?’, oh that’s Morning Guy’s problem. That’s not my problem, I’m Night Guy. I stay up as late as I want. So you get up in the morning, you’re exhausted, groggy… oooh I hate that Night Guy! See, Night Guy always screws Morning Guy. There’s nothing Morning Guy can do. The only Morning Guy can do is try and oversleep often enough so that Day Guy looses his job and Night Guy has no money to go out anymore.”

  • Jerry Seinfeld

Funny how just as I was checking shirt.woot that this was the shirt I saw as my alarm went off.

Meh. I think this one will be making the rounds in the next mystery shirt Woot deliveries.

Also, this makes me want to get the
Tocky alarm clock even more. An alarm clock that makes you chase after it.

Perhaps I should get that for my mom - she’s completely oblivious to alarm clocks.

Looks like a 70’s 8-track tape player.

So does he want to sleep, or has his owner left him ringing and he’s turning it off in disgust? No doubt one day he will just forget to ring to make up for it.

woah…what’s the app name?

I might have to buy this shirt, just so I can BURN IT! Not because of the snooze button, but because I hate getting woken up at 5:00 am.


Usually I’m late to work because of the snooze button.

Today I was late to work because of woot.

Had to get one - royal blue and set to the time my alarm goes off. For most of the first three weeks of school, I’ve been up BEFORE the alarm and just turned it off - this is what happens when you go to bed at the time your students SHOULD be going to bed! [We start at 7:45 a.m. - when the district still ran buses, we were an “early” school (3 early, 3 late) - somehow, though, they didn’t change the start time to later when they stopped running school buses :S ]