SOG Outdoor Gear - 3 Piece Set with Nylon Sheaths

read the copy for this

$5 less than offered last July

I choked down two more cups of coffee to make it to this? I don’t know who I feel sorrier for, me, or the kids on my bus tomorrow morning.

C’mon Woot!

Make with the screamin’ bright yellow teapots!!!

Who cares about the kids. Their attention spans are so short, they’ll forget about it by the time they get home.

how is this 80% off read the reviews these are crap better off buying walmart brand

I’ll be watching the news for reports of a crazed bus driver taken into custody after attempting to hijack a bus load of kids for a field trip to Texas. I can just see the reports now.

“Kids on the bus report hearing the driver mumbling something about a ‘bag of crap.’”

You can get this threw amazon shipped for the same price as they are selling it?! I like it but this is stupid…next!

Says shovel is a POS

Nice one. :slight_smile:

Had no idea a woot off was taking place… doesn’t look like I missed much though.

I’ll slit my throat using the knife and someone can chop me up. I would imagine the axe is sharp enough for that, but the knife may be a little more difficult. Had you ever tried to saw through bone? At least with the axe you have some momentum behind you. Hopefully someone will be able to use the shovel to bury me. Some people here are saying the shovel is crap.

Now why would you put teeth on a shovel? Whose first thought when they need to cut something is “hold on let me grab my shovel”?

Probably to cut through roots as you’re digging.

Oh sweet mamba…
I hesitated and you were gone :cry:

Cool something for my bug out vehicle

If you want a good folding shovel, hatchet or saw for camping/hunting than the only way to go is GERBER. I have used GERBER tools and knives for years and they have not failed me one time.

Hmm… good point.

actually, a shovel might be appropriate at this time…

From reviews online, the axe is OK, the entrenching tool is complete shit, and the folding saw is, too.

I’m glad I at least got the axe. It can match with my SOG Seal Pup. The entrenching tool would probably be good for light use.