SOG PowerLock EOD Multi-Tool with Leather Sheath

Means they are used but restored to factory conditions, most likely by the maker of the computer. They come with warranties. It’s just a means of saving money, like buying a used (refurb) car.

awww!!! woot just got a -1 for being less awesome :cry:

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Looks like we better hunker down. This one is going to stay with us for a while.

SOGs are nice because the gears multiply your squeezing power so that even arthritic grandma can do dome serious damage. And SOGs are the only company that allows you to take out tools you don’t need and put in ones you want. In other words, the components are replaceable in case something breaks.

Rofl…Of course now I would actually read the woot product description. There goes my chance for a clever quality post ><

I love mine. It’s fun to be able to pull out hobo teeth and slash cop car tires.

Naw, in all seriousness it is a great tool. Very well crafted and the sheath is awesome. I keep mine in the car with me in the event I get attacked by rabid zombies or hobos… Can’t tell… They kind of smell the same.

Or a used Condom for that matter - saving money

No, but I hear it works well on the cheese.

All the components are also replaceable so you may get SOG to send you new pliers to install.

Pretty good item - I got one last time, and have really exercised it by opening out the pliers and chipping apart frozen-together ice cubes.

Then you dry it, of course. Don’t put your tools away wet! Just don’t dry it on your tee shirt, like I did once. The jaws closed on some fabric, and the wire cutter multifunctioned as a tee cutter. Very efficiently.

Sheath is pretty crummy, but it keeps dust off the tool while it’s lying around in the woot box it came in.


What about if you get attacked by a rabid hobo ?

Just think of it as extra lubrication.

A customer purchased the machine, and it was sent to them.

For whatever reason - and it may be anything as simple as “the customer decided it was too large, and sent it back without turning it on” or as complicated as “a major component failed, the customer sent it back and received a new machine, and the component was replaced”.

Refurbs may have a few scratches on them, depending on when and why they were returned. They should function as well as non-refurbished machines, keeping in mind that even a brand new computer isn’t guaranteed to not fail. Sometimes things happen.

Refurbs usually have a shorter warranty, but they should have a warranty. If you’re not comfortable buying a refurb, that’s a perfectly acceptable choice.

Read closer, I covered hobo in the post. Even equated present day hobos to smelling like long rotted corpses.

can never have too many of these laying around.

plus they make good xmas gifts

What advantages does this have over, say, a train, which I could also afford?

in for 1

ugh wootoff killer