Someone start some coffee. (WOOGIE'S BACK)

Wow, Just checked the time on Russell’s woot-off woot-alert. 10:14 woot-time!

*** Woot-Off Detected! Advanced notice for WootAlert members only! Shhhh! Also see for a note from Mr. WootAlert ***

Now if he could just give us a heads-up on what’s going to be next.

Opello’s IRC bot is fast though…loads a but quicker than the front page, for me, anyway. So it’s is an easier way to see the next item.

(lol…Gatz and I can’t get into the item threads.)

PM Gimma

NEED MORE COFFEE. I’ve been DD’ing people tonight. Must stay awake.

I need coffee, a shower (yup, still) and a glock! NOW!

Uh-oh, Gimma’s over the edge. Ducking for cover

“The Homecoming Queen’s Got a Gun,” Julie Brown

this is not good.

Uh…I guess we aren’t talking about “Downtown Julie Brown,” are we?

Twin bed for two. Only good for one night. Two nights is a stretch. Forget sticky summers.