Sorry I Had a Bad Day Yesterday

I just want to apologize to everyone I pissed off yestrerday. I was having a bad day and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you folks.

Get in line . . .

Trust me, apologies don’t need their own threads.

Now who else do we know that does that? Hmmmm.

You must mean d’name . . .

Never noticed. I could be a slow learner.

Oh . . . if I haven’t apologized to someone yet, please be patient . . . you’ll likely get a turn . . .

and we both will be in the same line.

Repeatedly . . .

bring a deck of cards to pass the time.

We can play solitaire together.

Great I apologize and Rain and Gman hijack my thread.

It’s what we do . . . in fact, we’re all obligated to hijack unnecessary threads . . .

You can thank us later . . .

Thanks. I think. It is what they would do anyway…

Yes, they would expect nothing less.

Never noticed you were grumpy yesterday. I’d give you lessons for free but grumpy woot days tend to raise my pressure too much. You may want to observe AZG after a bad day at work. When he’s grumpy he talks in a way that we all know it’s not really us.
A real pro, AZG, is.