Spectrum Electric Guitar with Mini Amp

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Spectrum Electric Guitar with Mini Amp [New] - $69.99 + $5 shipping

1 * Spectrum AIL199T Tobacco Electric Guitar with Mini Amp

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Spectrum Electric Guitar with Mini Amp
$69.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

Product List:

  • 1 Spectrum AIL199T Tobacco Electric Guitar with Mini Amp

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[Froogle](Spectrum - Google Shopping Electric Guitar with Mini Amp)

actually really good deal. woot are you warming us up??

since when does woot sell Guitars

I’d buy it if someone famous signed it, like… Bon Jovi!

I wish I could play the guitar, man, I’d be a rockstar!

They sold pianos before

That is an excellent beginner guitar package. I’ve been playing for 19+ years and I would recommend buying that.

This is a first.

Bought this a few weeks back for 100 and love it.


At some point in time I wouldn’t mind grabbing a Guitar like this to learn on.

and don’t forget the mandolin and autoharp

Holding a guitar makes you at least 50% cooler. It’s a proven scientific fact.

just when we were doing so well

it looks old skewl gibson-like

LOL baby grand… $5.00 !!

Since United breaks guitars…