Standing Golf Bag

Previously Sold On 12/23/2012 for $44.99
Previously Sold On 12/10/2012 for $44.99 (Woot-Off)

Wootalyzer’s Pricing Post! - The price of today’s woot item is saved here for future reference

Standing Golf Bag
$34.99 + $5 Standard OR $28 Two-Day OR $29 One-Day Shipping
Condition: New

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!

This is not the bag we are looking for

*In before a stupid comment about the “too late for x-mas” tag


Please bring on the real bag of the hour - the mythical Bandolier of Carrots!

Not exciting - but excellent price for an Ogio bag - even though it is not one of their higher end bags.

Someone please buy fore!

This is the worst iPhone 5 case I’ve seen yet.

Pffft! I’m waiting for the bag we use for sitting golf, thank you very much.

so is there no such thing as a bag of crap anymore? Last several woot-offs i’ve seen ended without one. I used to get excited and watch these for sweet deals and a chance to score a BOC but seems they are no longer

This bag is being sold through one of the side sales on sports.woot for $10 more. Since I just missed the sale on the woot-off, might they change the price on the sports.woot offering?