Stanley 20oz. FatMax Xtreme AntiVibe Rip Claw with Smooth Face Hammer

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New Stanley 20oz. FatMax Xtreme AntiVibe Rip Claw with Smooth Face Hammer, for $9.99 + $5 shipping
Product: 1x Stanley 20 oz. FatMax Xtreme AntiVibe Rip Claw with Smooth Face Hammer

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Frick… I have like 5 hammers around the house… Sorry woot…

This is a damn good hammer for this price but unless you use it for roofing or driving 16 penny nails on regular basis its too much…

Yes! The ultimate hard drive security device!

Stanley hammer’s aren’t easy to find. No reviews on alatest. Only one listing…

Woot nailed this one.

Great for zombies too!

I finally might “nail” something nOw!!! lol {i laugh @ me own jokes…}

1st post:0)

Groan…I’ll bet we get pounded with puns today…

The AntiVibe should keep them from reverberating…

A Rob Liefeld reference and a non-explained Mjolnir reference?

I wanna be a woot writer too!

Too light for me. I use a 28 Ounce hammer.

But this might be good for light duty stuff.

It’s Stanley. Like Craftsman, there’s hardly a need for reviews. You’re not going to find better tools out there. They may be pricier, but a Stanley tool will stand up to any brand out there.

magnet on the end of a hammer = MEGA FAIL

That magnet will last like a weak before you beat the magnetism out of it. Impacts cause the atoms in a magnet to become disorganized, weakening the magnetic force they produce together.

20 bucks at Home Depot

Here is one for 30.00 dollars, HERE
, I just may get one

Are you refering to the magnetic head erasing the data? : )

Sure its a 20oz ? maybe just a 16oz


2 Legit… 2 Legit to Quit! DUN DUN!