Star trails remix

This shirt is Beautiful… I was waiting to get this one out of the derby! Got my wish!

This is a wonderful shirt, very creative and artsy.
I predict a sellout…

Haven’t followed the shirt design derbys in awhile, but this design is fantastic, and I am in for one. Consider this my reminder to myself to vote more in the derbys and to support the shirt colors I like most (dark…the darker the better…)

No penguins = in for the win! Yeah, be that as it may, I’m still not buying this shirt.

The star that traced the needle arm needs to take a long look at its life and reconsider what it deems normal behavoir.

You can get this effect with time-lapse photography, or if you don’t want to bother with the equipment, a whole lotta coffee.

Star Trails

I’d hate to run into the record player that plays that album…

In silico what now?

Go take a camera out to the woods. Aim it at the stars. Turn it on ‘bulb’. And then hold down the shutter. Better yet, get an extended shutter release so that you don’t actually touch the camera. And leave it there for about an hour. This is what will result*. Minus the vinyl arm, of course.

That album just stole what photographers have been doing for years with extended shutter speeds.

*YMMV on actual exposure of the picture if you attempt to capture the moon in the same frame.

+2 for the writeup, -1 for not being cutesy or about penguins…

Radiomode has now switched to out of this world phonograph mode.

It’s all about the speakers, man.

seriously, I just spent a couple minutes staring at it, thinking “whoaaaa…” so mesmerizing, but I’d rather have my guy friends get their moobs stared at than my chestal area >.>

I wish real stars were as multicolored as this shirt…

No Science about blue, white, yellow, or red stars either. I know about those. I WANT GREEN STARS!

Who wants to lend me 10$ so I can buy this shirt? I get a Daft Punk vibe from the semi-circles and color choice of the artist. Anyone else sensing Daft Punk-ness in this, or is it just me?

That album cover resembles the sacred labyrinth more than this shirt design…labyrinth example

This design is more remniscent of an LP and stylus…as most of the people buying it surely realize.

It’s just you. I’m getting a radiomode vibe, personally. =P

I just realized that the shirt is considerably more complex than it first appeared.

The needle arm ends in two shooting stars.
The bottom of the image isn’t just faded-out, it’s subtle tree shadows, and the moon actually has a pattern on it.
I’m hypnotized.

This keeps reminding me of the movie “2001”.

Wow both the album cover and the labyrinth designs mentioned above even more closely resemble a derby entry I did a few weeks ago…and I’ve never seen either of the two.


Anyway, loving this Star Trails shirt and buying this shirt! :slight_smile:

Hmph. Should be .0006944444444444 RPM. With even more fours. And that would be a rotation per 24 hours, when the sun would come out. Unless this is in Alaska.