Still Waiting for Godot

The rock and tree, I believe, are always parts of the set for the play, and the characters are always supposed to wear bowlers.

Well…there are birds…and a tree. The rest is lost on me.

“You make me feel dumb, shirt!”
“It’s not my fault your lack of knowledge makes you feel insecure…”

Shirt therapy ^^^^^^

Poor guys, I guess they weren’t very Lucky, eh Beckett fans?

Oh sorry, never mind. I took the trip to Wikipedia. The tree and the stone.

I read it in Literature class this past semester. It made no sense, but I got an A on my paper.

Didi and Gogo
Pozzo and Lucky
Godot and the little boy.

To think, Prisoners got this play more than I did. Crazy stuff. Crazier still, it was first written in French by an Irishman.

Too bad they could not have found a bit of rope.

It rocks… it’s one of the tees I wear regularly that people stop me and ask where they can purchase it.

If it helps the English pronounce it God-o.

Meaning that they are waiting for the explanation of god, or something pointless or something. Personally, I hated the play when i was forced to read it in school, and found Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead which is written in the same style to be a lot more enjoyable.

The moon, the dead tree, the bowlers. I’d buy this if one of them had their boots off.

I love that shirt, but I’ve never been able to catch it. There are a lot of Large Males, it would seem.

This shirt is really bringing out the intelligent Wooters. I’m learning a lot just by reading the comments. Ubu Roi? Who knew!

The prequel to the existentialist derby also know as the things perhaps better understood if they’d been left in French derby.

Not loving the color of the tee here. I feel stupid since that’s all I’ve really got to say.

Does anyone else get a very, “Ray Bradbury” feel from this shirt?

Actually, kind of reminds me of

I love that play. The repartee and wordplay is some of the most fun I’ve heard in any medium.

While I love the design, I am one of the ones who doesn’t understand what “Godot” means. Plus, I hate being one to criticize the color but I would have purchased this design on anything but cream. I’m not a cream Woot hater, but it doesn’t scream “buy me,” with that color.

Congrats to the artist on the print.

It’s not a bad observation, actually. While I’m usually (maybe too) staunch about the shirt color being the decision of the artist, I actually would’ve loved this more on navy. Though then he’d probably have to change the ink colors, so what do I know. This is why I let the artists worry about shirt color.

Well, when you mention Beckett, all I can think about is I hope he made the leap home.

A literature shirt?! And a post-modern one at that? ABSOLUTELY!!! In for one without thinking twice about it!

some reason i was to eat a carrot, and a chicken bone… and do a dance, put on a hat and THINK! who are all of you ? i dont think we have ever met

wait, i dont recall a bird in the play