sun power

can u guess sun power?

night arrives every evening.

Right after the sun goes down.

It stays around till right around sunrise.


night is dark . . . except when it isn’t

My research indicates:

at the roxbury

night is nocturnal

Night is Elie Wiesel

Where A Hard Day’s Journey takes you into.

That thing that twas before Christmas

I thought that was Eve?

Ah, well it is. But I was going for “Twas the Night Before Christmas”

Of course, maybe vishal just can’t spell and s/he’s talking about those guys that sat around the table with no corners.

You mean those people that that guy Arthur had a lot of?

Yeah, a bunch of heavy metal guys.

Did they have a lot of this?

No, it was like the stuff the post office delivers.

Ohh, okay. Except made of linking metal ovals/circles?