Super Effective

It seems if you order American Apparel, this shirt is black instead of cranberry.
Have any pictures? Thanks!

I’m thinking it may be a mistake in the listing …

I’ve emailed to find out.

I hope you are right!

Have you heard anything yet?

I’m guessing not.

Side note: I named my neighbor’s cat ‘Sprinkle’ because of this shirt. It started after he drugged out on the mint plants I have in the yard. I’ve since found out he’s been cheating and triple dipping for food! Also, one morning, he left a “present” on my front steps. Jerk.

Anyways …

Maybe it’d work.

(Did you see my PM, Ocho?)

Well, it’s still cute in black, but I like the cranberry a little better. Thanks for the picture! Sprinkle is a great cat name! Especially ones who leave fancy presents
on your doorstep :slight_smile:

I just noticed it’s been fixed. Cranberry it is!

The artist should know. :slight_smile: