Surya Random Striped Wool Rugs - 5'x8'

**Item: **Surya Random Striped Wool Rugs - 5’x8’
Price: $79.99
Shipping Options: $5 Standard
Condition: New

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Previous Similar Sales (May not be exact model)
9/26/2013 - $79.99 (Woot-off) - 3 comment(s)
9/25/2013 - $79.99 (Woot-off) - 6 comment(s)
9/24/2013 - $79.99 (Woot-off) - 4 comment(s)

Seriously? 80 bucks and I can’t even choose the color? LOL

I took a risk and got one I like. Lucky me.

what is the shipping weight on these?

According to my tracking information, 30lbs.

Same for my tracking info.