Swash Bidet Toilet Seat-Your Choice Color and Size

Thunder, anyone who bothers to post loves you and Woot, but how long is it going to take for Woot to listen to your customers and stop putting bidets on tools and garden every other week? Unless these are top sellers and us bidet hating posters are none the wiser…

Perhaps we should start a new woot: Poop-Woot! It would be all bidets all the time!

If I pay $400 for a toilet seat, it’s coming WITH ME!

Just by your own justification, shows this item is miscategorized. It’s a part of the house, “HOME” would be a better choice then don’t you think?
Tools and Garden? I hardly think a Bidet can be considered a Tool item?
Chain saws, planers, wrenches, these are tools. Wheel barrows, Patio heaters, deck lighting, these are garden items.
By putting this item in this category we lose the opportunity to have something that is of interest to those that watch tools.woot.com.

we GET it already…I’m glad woot offers these, and I’m glad whomever is in charge of tools&garden is a bidet advocate. Maybe something with the parent company or the vendors precludes a home improvement company advertising these at a discount?
This IS a product with a long sale cycle, people have to research this product a bit before putting down $400 on a toilet seat that they’ve never paid more than $25 for, but people coming to get info or reviews have to wade through the exact same posts every time “do I put this in my outhouse?”.
I can say without reservation I am a HUGE bidet fan, and this woot literally changed my life. when people express an interest in bidets, I forward them these woots as they pop up. I wish there WAS a bidet.woot, I wish they were in Home just to cut the noise level.

This was a great purchase. Easy to install. Easy to use.

I don’t ever want to go back to a standard toilet seat again.