T-Shirt Thank You Bag in White, 900/Case

T-Shirt Thank You Bag in White, 900/Case

So, I need to be “that person” real quick and state that we should not be making these bags and you should not be selling them. They are a plague on our environment. Okay, rant over. I’m going to enjoy buying other stuff on woot now. Thanks!

What would you suggest I use in my bathroom waste baskets and for picking up dog poop on walks?

So is online shopping, as it encourages manufacturing/purchasing of shipping supplies, ink, and requires transportation which involves production/processing of gas, and results in pollution.

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I get a few more of these every time I go shopping. They are free.
No need to buy them…

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'cept the frozen pizza boxes poke holes in them and the raw meat contaminates them

I probably recycle this many in a year.

Fun fact: some people weave plastic shopping bags like this into waterproof mats for the homeless. It doesn’t matter if they have holes in them. Check in your local area to see if anyone does this. It’s a great way to reuse the bags. I try to always take reusable shopping bags with me but for the times when I forget, I donate the plastic bags for this purpose.


There are many other uses you wouldn’t think of for these.

For example:


Been using these bags while scooping kitty litter from a temporary litter box we’re using for the new kitten. She’s still too small to find her way to the basement litter box, so we scoop after each use to prevent lingering odors upstairs.

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My sister-in-law read somewhere that a good reuse of your old Amazon / Woot boxes is to put your cats used litter in one of the boxes and when full put the box on your front porch. In a day or two the box will be gone and some porch pirate will be very disappointed :wink:


Yeah, but all my cameras and signs about having cameras seem to keep porch pirates at bay. I’d be left with a stinky, rain-soaked box on my porch.

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You could always just put the litter in the bags then in the boxes to keep 'em dry. There would even be a nice “Thank You” on the bag for the lucky recipient of their own personalized Bag-O-Cat-Crap :wink:


Where could I pick up the boxes from?


In the grand scheme of things I think we have bigger problems than plastic bags.

Besides, do you really think I’m going to carry my lithium batteries, drain cleaner, Sudafed, Mt dew and tampons bare handed out to my suv and drive around with them all loose and stuff? Pfft.


Yeah! Those plastic tubes that cheap popsicles come in! They are everywhere this time of year!

These should come in hemp-based packets…


The very least they could do is come with a stainless steel lip guard so the corners of my mouth don’t end up looking like The Joker.


The trick is to cut with scissors in a curve! Like a semi-circle shape where the outside edges of the plastic are furthest from the mouth.


I do mine with a 45° chamfer on the corners. I also do that with my toothpaste tube because mornings are hard and those corners hurt.

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My knee says that corners [of tables] are hard at night. Ouch.