I like the shirt, but I don’t think I like it enough to snag it. Who knows though, maybe if it doesn’t sell out tomorrow I’ll convince myself to grab it.
For now, I’m off to bed.
I like the shirt, but I don’t think I like it enough to snag it. Who knows though, maybe if it doesn’t sell out tomorrow I’ll convince myself to grab it.
For now, I’m off to bed.
I like this, but I have so many shirts! I think I’ll sleep on it. 'night woot.
Can’t get over how much the navy looks like black. Had someone not mentioned it here in the forum, I would have sworn it was a black tee.
The shirt on the front page is Black, it’s just that the description says it’s a navy woot tee. Something’s not right.
If thats what this T4 is referring to i’m pretty sure its not whimsical t-shirt robot material…
[QUOTE=clw7342, post:19, topic:121484]
If thats what this T4 is referring to i’m pretty sure its not whimsical t-shirt robot material…
This shirt looks awesome, Terminator 4 (Terminator Salvation (2009) - IMDb)?
nice illustration
i like it, want it as a wallpaper
i thought the same till i saw the description…i tilted my screen and tell it is the navy, but man, it’s sooo dark. same thing the other direction with the asphalt. they really need to figure something out with how the colors are represented. the cream is tan, etc etc…it’s not fair to the designers.
Really awesome shirt. Nice pick woot!
[QUOTE=scifiak, post:24, topic:121484]
The shirt on the front page is Black, it’s just that the description says it’s a navy woot tee. Something’s not right.
The shirt looks navy on my screen. The navy template that Woot uses appears really dark on the screen. It’s a true navy blue shirt so its a very dark blue in person.
This is the first time I’ve been seriously tempted in a while… hmmm…
I love it but I have WAAAY to many!
cool design but would look terrible in navy
What is up with two disco looking shirt two days straight???
Cool shirt but I will have to pass. Gonna hold out for the Derby winners, since it looks like I will want all 3 this week.
Having just Spyder calibrated my laptop it comes across as a navy blue to me. Love the style and colors, just not a robot guy. Tempting though.
he sort of looks like iron man. Neat!
but i can’t see myself wearing it.
Who picks these colors? Navy has got to be the worst color possible for this design, next to pink and purple.