Targus AMW20USX Wireless Optical Mouse

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Targus AMW20USX Wireless Optical Mouse
$9.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

Product List:

  • 1 Targus AMW20USX Wireless Optical Mouse

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oh wait

maybe I do

Price comparator post ! - Is this a good deal ? Let’s see ! :slight_smile:

New Targus AMW20USX Wireless Optical Mouse, for $9.99 + $5 shipping
Product: 1x Targus AMW20USX Wireless Optical Mouse

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atleast its not a refurb

Targus AMW20USX Wireless Optical Mouse

  • $5 shipping

condition: New
product: 1 Targus AMW20USX Wireless Optical Mouse


good price. already have 2


just what we need…another mouse

no i will not!


will this work with vista>

ehh…$10 mouse not bad…but $5 shipping kills it!




hmmm waiting for perhaps a NEW rather than refurb’d BT