Terraillion DUO Kitchen Scale & Timer

Okay now, permission to panic.

Thanks for the “Unofficial Screaming Monkey’s Guide to Posting” link - That’s AWESOME!

obviously there arent enough drug-dealing wooters this item has been up for grabs way too long

But I only have one zune :stuck_out_tongue:

stop being a noob, shut up, and buy some scales

They must have a Terraillion of these!!!

Yeah the yellow line has not budged! Toss them out the window so the suffering ends.

Well, yes. Among other things.

Mine were flashing… maybe a browser refresh will do you well.

It Works!

I pressed it and I didn’t get it.

Why do you have that username? Seems kind of negative.

its only 15x less accurate than a pharmacy class 3 torsion balance…

It worked. Mercifully it’s over. Now for aome monkeys…

Bought a psotage scale from the post office not too awful long ago for about $40. It only goes up to 10lb and measures in oz and fractions of oz. This one at least goes up to 11lb and down to grams.

I think I’m ready to commit to digital weights measurement.

Alas, too late.

I bought one. I’m a home coffee roaster, and in need of a more precise scale (and timer).

ONly if you stand next to it…

$40 at SEARS

booyah! got my first wootoff tracking number (for my scale)! :smiley:

In case anyone can’t figure out how to switch from oz. to g, hold down the H2O button and the units will change after a few moments.

The manual says, “If your scale has a conversion switch on the base, you can change the measuring units from Metric to Imperial or vice versa, simply by activating this conversion switch located on the underside of the scales.” There is no switch, so don’t bother looking. The manual is wrong.