Thanks for the 5am alert

Guess I didn’t pick up on that part. Lol

FYI, I didn’t get an audible alert this morning, but I do see an alert. I didn’t change anything. Thanks.

¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

And this morning it was a 6am alert. Bleeeaaaggghhh…

You are so lucky!
I want a woot alert too!!

It should have been silent. You’re saying it wasn’t? I didn’t get an audible on my iphone 7

Yes, just like the last Woot Offs! Audible alert from the app at 6am this morning, on my updated Samsung S9 with the latest app, etc. It sucks because I have to have my phone on for work, and every time it alerts me I think a server at work has gone down or something. Plus, I wake up. Ha.

Strange. I’ll ask around.