The Extended Bell Curve


Would’ve been much better if the axis (axii?) were labeled, at least.

I’ll be sporting this stylish look in my calculus class as I make up the answers to test questions like they made up lake monsters.

Compute the area under the graph by finding a formula for Rn and then taking the limit as N goes to infinity.

Interval [0,3]


Oh no! Not an undefined equation! Oh my gosh, I don’t know if I can survive this one.

Ah HA! Mathematical proof that Champ and Nessie exist!!!

I feel like this one is going to sell out really fast…anyone agree?

aah…not a function. Can’t buy because I’d get called out by my math major friends.

aha so the loch ness monster is proven with math. Then it must exist

This is coincidentally the same graph you get when you plot Nessie sightings as a function of drinks consumed over time. The brief dip before the neck clearly reflects a temporary blackout, followed by waking to an enormous spike in hallucinations.

So what is Nessie’s standard deviation? 2?

Bellcurveasaurus Rex?

Unfortunately the axes aren’t numbered so we can’t resolve any useful data from the photo. The nature of Nessie remains a mystery still.

this looks ridikorus, tracy.

Maybe I can wear this shirt when I ride the loch ness monster in Super Mario 64.

Hahahah I lol’d

I am now two standard deviations above the mean because I bought this shirt. My curve only has one tail.


This shirt is awesome…got one already. It is totally going to sell out by the morning, no question about it!

I LOLed when I saw this shirt…my room mate came over to see what I found so funny. She just graduated from UCLA in Business and Econ…she stared at the shirt for a minute and asked me why I found it so funny because it didn’t make any sense to her. I then tried to point out “Normal Distribution Theory…look at the mean, stdev, etc.” and she just stared at me a drew a blank. I tried to go to the basics to explain it, and she soon interjected, “…wait a minute, is this something about statistics???”

Moral of the Story: It does not matter where a person attends/attended college.

Second Moral of the Story (Less politically correct version): women, 'nuff said.

Only less than .3% of observations in a sample are observed that many standard deviations away from the mean. This dinosaur must be one heck of an outlier.

Truth Behind the Second Moral of the Story: One woman does not speak for all of us.

Perfect for math teachers and those of us that skew the curve for the rest of the class.