The Men Who Stare At Crap

The Men Who Stare At Crap
Price: $5
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 1-2 business days (Thursday, Jan 22 to Friday, Jan 23) + transit
Condition: Really Crappy


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Previous Similar Sales (May not be exact model)
1/21/2015 - $5.00 (Woot-off)
1/20/2015 - $5.00 (Woot-off)

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NOOO! THE BOC IS A LIE! It just happened so fast.

OMG OMG OMG OMG FIRST POST EVER!!! I joined in 2009, and have tried for a long time, i mostly gave up since recent woot offs didnt even have a BoC, but today’s woot off with its frequency gave me a bag of crapload of chances, and i finally got one! when i saw the woot factory before the confirmation i got confused, but it went through!

I got the last one! WOOT!

It all just happens so fast. I don’t know if I bought a bag or an alien toy.