The NoPhone

Shows 1 buyer from TX

Why? Bless the hearts of whoever is buying these.

That’s a riot. I’ve never seen the map have one single state in the green before.


Would be kind of funny if a package thief stole this off my porch. I can imagine them trying to figure out what it is.

Apparently I need a website to sell nothing to people who will buy anything for an egregious amount of money.

wtf why?

Maybe this is to make up for that super bargain we got on pine cones recently.

Who bought this? $78! I feel like I just made $78 for not buying it. There are so many other ways to have a phone that doesn’t do anything.

The news had a story on a guy who wondered about people sending money to strangers online. He created a site asking people to send him money. Said multiple times on the site that he didn’t really need the money, he was just curious if people would send it. Said nobody he knew needed surgery, nobody was dying, no animals needed help, no reason for the money besides just curious.

Every month he got enough money to pay for the site and the PO Box. All excess he donated to a charity, although nowhere on the site did he state this is what he did.

Yes, people are stupid. Although sometimes I’m tempted to see if they’ll be stupid for me, too…


Oh good grief! That was supposed to be $7.99. Fat fingers!

Gonna refund that purchaser!

That’s funny, TT.
But funnier someone actually bought it at $79!


Indeed. Probably thinks it’s a BOC.

So…this is basically a new version of the “Pet Rock” ?

Silly…and i can appreciate silly. But I can’t appreciate why this is marked up over 641%. Perhaps it’s just woot trolling its customers?

Hello, I bought this phone for $79.
I thought it was some sort of gag or something but I then decided to cancel it once I saw that it was actually going to charge me that price. That was pretty weird huh.
How did you guys let that pass by? lol

No, this is the market price now.

Sounds pretty good. A bit too expensive for my taste though.