The Walrus vs The Eggmen

Apparently I am not allowed to profess my love for ghost vs. vacuum as my earlier comment was deleted.

This is a clever design but I wouldn’t wear it on a shirt, sorry.

Then blame the other two as well :wink: :smiley:

Anyone here who immediately thought of the “egg man” from Now and Again?

ROFL that seems to be fairly important XD

where is the bukkit?

wow bs T_T. this was just like the crouching tiger one. Wanted that one didn’t win. awesome design D:.
then this vs one another awesome design (dragon vs phoenix) but didn’t make it!
I am sad :(.

this is sooo good! im just excited cuz i got on the first page!!! congrats to the artist!

Was it messy?

This one just makes no sense. Why does the walrus have glasses?

hmmm not sure what that sea lion represents to anyone but… yeah nice shirt

hee hee… right on.

Hmm, I wonder if I can ask fablefire for his shirt design. Frankly, I am feeling quite cranky about this one and I would rather pay some 25 dollars for East vs West.

Need to punch something brb.

Grrr. Wish that it had been South vs. East. :frowning:

ETA: This design is great, don’t get me wrong. I hated the “Row vs. Wade” shirt and think this should have taken its place.

Brilliant. In for one.

this shirt is too weird even for me…

Same here. I can’t believe this shirt won while the East vs South didn’t make at least the top 3.

Why did my link to a picture of John lennon get deleted? (yet my stupid comment about a sneeze stayed) I was showing how glasses pertained to the shirt. Methinks a mod harbors a grudge against me. :wink:

Hey, relax. I can understand you publicly venting your frustrations once (maybe even twice), but three times on the same page is a little excessive, don’t you think?

The derbies are never going to appeal to everyone - it’s a fact of Woot. All you’re doing right now is making yourself look foolish.

Sweet shirt, but not one I’d buy and wear. :[ One day, I will make my first purchase, someday. But until then, to other shirt sites!

Yeah well, this was the first derby where I found a shirt that I really liked, so I felt slightly (understatement) put off by the fact that a stick figure shirt, a black and white shirt, and a walrus shirt beat it.