The Wine Diaper Three - Pack

Ok people, seriously? You’ve never heard of plastic bags from the grocery store? So much for recycling…

These are not for “casual” transport like plastic bags would/could be (but shouldn’t - a bottle is heavy enough to bust those flimsy things). They provide a cushiony-cloud-like environment so your wine can withstand the rigors of travel transportation. Like putting them in your luggage to be checked for flight. I mean really, have you SEEN how the baggage handlers handle baggage? Sure wouldn’t want to trust my clothing to plastic bags from the grocery store to keep them protected.

Oh yes, these are reusable up until the point something ends up breaking in them. But when that happens they’ll have served their purpose anyway.

Guess they put more up!

I literally have about 100 plastic bags from my grocery store that I could reuse. Heck, I could simply 4-ply the bags and highly doubt that even with a breakage that anything would get on my clothes. With a little bit of creative packing and some recycled grocery bags, you’ve just saved some money and the environment while your at it!

Even better, buy some reusable bags to hold your groceries, then you won’t have the 100 plastic bags sitting around. Most places give you a small discount if you use a reusable bag. If the wine breaks, you’ll either have to throw the plastic bags away or the wine diaper away… so I don’t see a different there.

Makes a great gag gift for the super wine snobs (SWS?) I know.

Here’s a challenge for you. Pour a bottle of red wine into 4-plied grocery store bags and pack it in your luggage on your next flight. Post pics here!

I do have reusable bags, thanks. These plastic bags are from before I had them.

Believe it or not, you can recycle plastic bags with many sanitation departments. Furthermore, you don’t really need to have the recycled items “clean” or “disinfected” before putting them out at the curb. (Recycling plants always have their own forms of cleaning plastics, etc.)

Just offering up a viable alternate option for purchasing these… I didn’t mean to veer this far off topic.


What? No [Amazon](Wine Diaper) link?

All glowing reviews, though several are of the suspect ‘one-shot wonder’ sort. Still, there are a couple that seem believable.

I would have liked to have these last time we fly home after visiting Virginia’s wine country. Instead, we had share the nice bottles we found with the relatives before we left. The horror!!

KaraMia: Wine Maxi?

Could these also be used as emergency airsickness bags?

Funny thing is, wine still poured out…which means a messy suitcase if the bag leaks…

A better product video would have been to try and pour the wine after smashing the bottle but nothing pours out… hence, proof that the wine diaper asorbed the wine! :slight_smile:

I use reusable cloth bags for my groceries, except about once a month when I need to replenish those plastic bags to use as my garbage bags (live alone, don’t need and can’t use big garbage bags).

But could you imagine one, or even 10 of those awful polyethylene bags doing anything against 750 milliliters of wine? I shudder to think about what could happen.

Dude, who buys only enough wine that it will fit in their luggage? I don’t get it. :tongue:

I grabbed them so I could sneak wine onto the cruise SWMBO are taking. Shhh! :tongue:

true. i think i just got excited by the smashing. and the idea of the guys drinking shards of glass in their wine also amused me. maybe i need some therapy. (wine therapy…) :wink:

on a serious note it looks like (from the video) this is zip locked which is better for reuse than the wine skin which is adhesive and hard to close if you have a fat bottomed bottle.

That’s only because they cracked open the ziplock before the diaper had a chance to fully absorb the liquid.

And even if the diaper can’t absorb all the liquid, it’s still contained in a sealed plastic bag.

I use the bags for my cat litter (which I have to scoop daily) and a simple 2-ply bag does the trick, no ripping or spills. I’d be willing to 2 or 4 ply the bags end-to-end and guarantee that they’d hold a gallon of liquid.

I think you’re missing the point of these. Baggage handlers toss luggage around like trash. If you use plastic bags, the liquid may not leak out when the bottle first breaks, but when they unload the luggage and throw it again, and all the weight presses on your plastic bags and they go pop, maybe you’ll understand what SuperSpryte is talking about.

Wineskins don’t soak up the wine should the bottle break or leak, it’s just a bubble wrap protector, so these are better, IMO.