Thermos Roho 24-Ounce Hydration Bottle 2-Pack

Wootalyzer’s Pricing Post! - The price of today’s woot item is saved here for future reference

Thermos Roho 24-Ounce Hydration Bottle 2-Pack
$4.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!

Alright woot, ill be ur best friend if u put the "Bag of Cra*p soon. My first day of schools tommorow and i need my sleep. so please be nice and put it up. I wont blame u if i dont get 1 and i had a fair chance.

Everyone got buy some olives…its your chance for every state to get in on the wine.woot action with no restrictions.

wow i wanted them blue magnetic balls lmao

Seriously? That’s annoying. FYI, 95% of the time the BOC shows up between 3-5pm central time on the last day of the woot-off. I think I saw it appear around 10am central once, every other time its been around 3-5pm.

Is this compatible with kool-aid?

But, what if todays a 1 day woot off??? Alright woot, ill be ur best friend if u put the "Bag of Cra*p soon. My first day of schools tommorow and i need my sleep. so please be nice and put it up. I wont blame u if i dont get 1 and i had a fair chance.

The lids make this a DO NOT BUY. A little push-button allows the lids to pop up. Said push-putton is easily pushed; mine recently fell over in the car, popped open, and watered my seat.

dang. I actually need a few water bottles, but the lid issue on the reviews is a killer.

Just skip it…1st day of college class is nothing but syllabus. If your still in grade school get off daddys computer and put his credit card back in his wallet and goto bed.