Timey Wimey Woodcut

Great artistic design style and color choices.

Great artistic design style and color choices.

Your link to the derby page in the write-up here is broken.

Great artistic design style and color choices.


Mediocre artistic design style and color choices.

Sorry, had to initiate the C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER.

But yeah, while it looks like a lot of effort went into the background (which does look sweet), the design is just a rectangular block floating on a gray background. Would make a neat framed print, but in my opinion, poor for a shirt design. In the end, it likely only won because of the Doctor Who content.

We have a bunch of new accounts going into sales and repeating other posts. I deleted the one in this thread.

Not sure what’s up with these posts. They’re just weird.

Also, great artistic design style and color choices.