TrueFire Gourmet Cedar Grilling Plank – 12 Pack

Ways to use grilling planks…


an about article

and… Grilling tips from a guy named Bob

Can you re-use them? Or is it one and done?

WAIT does it actually have the Woot logo stamped on it? Because if it does- amazing.

If they really say woot! on them im in.

My dad usually just adds some dried alder to the bbq when he makes salmon, but I bet cedar would be pretty tasty, too.

Or you could just stick them in your dresser drawers to keep out the moths.

Planks should be reusable.

You soak them in water before hand so they do not burn.

no, they are not reusable

I’ve seen these at Costco. The price online is $30 for a 10 pack. - shorten that long URL into a tiny URL
In the store, it was $8.50 for a 6 pack (on 2010-05-18).

you can always stick them in your bedroom drawers and get that great cedar smell :slight_smile:

I do love tailgating. But I don’t know if I would be able to figure out what exactly to do with these things.

The Twelve Planks of Woot… some sort of a philosophy?

Do the planks keep a nice, even heat?

Do you have to worry about your food sticking to the wood plank? Should you spray it with cooking spray or something like that first?

How long will my grilling plank last?

Softwoods such as Cedar will last for one grilling session. Thin planks are used for quicker the foods. Quick cook foods like seafood fillets, boneless chicken breast, pork chops or veggies can use thinner less expensive planks (1/2" to 5/8"). Larger pieces of meat take longer to cook and the plank should be a thicker size. Whole chickens, pork loin roasts and whole fish would work well on a thicker plank (3/4" or thicker). Hardwood planks might be able to be used several times but the abundant smoke if greatly reduced the second or more uses. Using an indirect cooking method will help hard and soft wood planks last longer. After heating the cooking surface of the plank center it over the middle burner of a three burner gas grill and turn that burner to low or even OFF. You can maintain the right temperature within the grill using the two outside burners only. The plank will still smolder and smoke but will last thru a longer cooking session. The same idea can be used with charcoal. After the first plank heating step move the charcoal to either side of the plank instead of directly underneath of it. The 12" grilling plank will fit most grills in this method. Longer planks may be too long to use in just the depth of most grills. Measure your own grill to determine the proper size for use with the indirect cooking method.

taken from

How many woodplanks could a woodplank plank, if a woodplank, could plank wood.

or something like that

Wood sold at home improvement stores may have been treated with chemicals. They are not made for food use.

Can these be used in ovens?

If I cook Burgers on the part that says “Woot!”, will it leave my burgers printed with “Woot!”?

tempting because of the woot! branded stamp. very tempting

This is actually a sweet deal on grilling planks. They’re easy to use and really do a good job of flavoring meat. Just give 'em a toast for 1-2 minutes on each side (after you soak them) till it’s sizzling, then slap the salmon on and cook like normal.

One note, they only last about 5 uses, so 12 will get you a long way.

Wonder if this means Woot will offer other wood planks in subsequent weeks…

planks can be used up to 25 time (maybe on low… If your hot 5-8)… so this is good for up to 300 or so servings or if you like me probably enough for a few years of grilling. On your average box of planks… (On a lower setting) You get sick of the taste and then put them away, then take them out again.

The cedar adds a sweet smokey flavor… I use apple, cherry and hickory wood in a iron box in my gas grill. I want to throw up with mesquite.

this is a great deal