Tyco Green Terrainiac RC Vehicle

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Tyco Green Terrainiac RC Vehicle [New] - $29.99 + $5 shipping

1 * Tyco N7725 Green Terrainiac RC Vehicle

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Move this to Kids.Woot!

What is the suction ration? Will it clean hard wood floors and shag carpet too?

Ah come on- why not keep this on the kids woot… HAND OVER THE MONKEYS!!!

So the unsold kids.woot items are starting to trickle in…

Let’s build our own Voltron!!!

shouldn’t this be in kids woot?

I like toys. :slight_smile:

Yeah, kids.woot is in a woot-off as well…

What is the scale of this? Could a flying monkey ride on it? Could I?

Isn’t there already a kids woot-off going on right now too?

this should be in a bag of crap!

The Green Hornet

At this point I am in it for Monkeys.

If I didn’t want it on Kids Woot the other day, why would I want it now? Put it in the Bag of Crap for the people who are using bots.

Do you need to nail it to your wall too??? DOes it come with ab holders?

come on buy it its green. must be good for the Environment
