Ultrex 8-Piece Knife and Block Set

Wootalyzer’s Pricing Post! - Saving Woot prices for decades to come

Each night at 12:00, the price of the old Woot item mysteriously goes missing – forever. What happens to this price, you may ask? According to our “highly-accredited” sources, the Russian mafia has hacked Woot’s servers and permanantly erases the price each night! MWAHAHA! But Wootalyzer is here to help! Our Woot-Security System 2000 stores the price on our multiple secure servers, SAFE from those crazy Russian hackers! Oh wait… maybe that’s not completely true. By “Crazy Russian Hackers,” perhaps I meant to say “Crazy Woot Development Monkies.” And by “Woot-Security System 2000,” perhaps I meant to say “Forum Post.” Meh, Close Enough.

Ultrex 8-Piece Knife and Block Set
$7.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

Product List:

  • 1 Ultrex 455527 8pc Cutlery Set New in Brown Box

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!

Note: This post contains pricing information for future reference because it is generally not available elsewhere once the next Woot has been offered.

Ultrex 8-Piece Knife and Block Set
$7.99 + $5 shipping
condition: New
product(s): 1 Ultrex 455527 8pc Cutlery Set New in Brown Box

Long live the Woot-Off !!!

new apt soon…

Got one already. :frowning:


These again?

How much was this last week?


Don’t need this.


Sometimes I cut myself.

Bought it last time…it’s a nice set.

Oh man, new place, I’m getting one of these!

good for owen wilson


now i can cut myself over this crap

id like to cut woot right now

yikes sckeery