Ultrex Flash Fryer

ditto that. … … … …
One of the most tasty & unhealthy ways of cooking … very tempting…

I only need a heart atack now. Fisrt woot says check your B/P then they said have a drink, now deep fry everything. So I said why not and bought one. Good night all Wooters

Moe: You can flash fry a buffalo in forty seconds.
Homer: Forty seconds. But I want it now!

This is ridiculous…I wait up until 1 AM looking for some nifty computer thing to drool over, and I see a…flash fryer? Seriously, America’s fat enough.

I guess woot is just covering all fronts on the war for obesity: making sure people don’t move, and making sure they eat lots of ridiculously fat food…cooked quickly.

Hmmm… am I the only one who thought I saw "Ultrex Flesh Fryer when this was posted? Had to look twice… lol.

Ahhhh… Finally, something to do those deep fried twinkies in :slight_smile:

Can you say, “Heart Torpedo”?
I knew you could.

Holy crap!
If you live in Wisconsin like me, you should be all over this!!!

Peanut oil, high smokepoint and reusable. Careful if you’re allergic though. Then you can use canola or safflower

is this what mcdonalds uses?

Err… bad times when a google search for the product returns the FIRST LINK from complaints.com. ;-(


a bit small, but nice still. And yeah… if you’re new to this sort of thing BE CAREFUL.

If only this wouldn’t burn my dorm room down…and stink it up. Damn.
and I dont know if this thing is bigger than a Fry Daddy Jr. but they’re only $17 at Target.

Measures approximately 10.25×9.25×9.25. That’s the same dimension of my neighbor’s cat that craps in my yard. Here kitty.

No so on the weight gain. I’ve been on Atkins for 2+ years and fry wings at least 3-4 times a week.

I’m down 100+ lbs and my Cholesterol is rather low. (was never high to begin with)

This Fryer looks small though…big enough for a doz. wings or so.

Peanut is good because it has a high smoke point, it’s fairly stable when unrefrigerated, and mild flavor (it’s not “peanutty” at all, just tastes like any neutral oil).

Tastey foods always are unhealthy…

Does it have a digital thermostat/ thermometer?

Ooh, hardened arteries! I’ll take three.

it’s got MagSafe! definitely mac compatible.