Unicorn Steakhouse

If I’m a woman can I still be man enough?

Oh dear, you’re a chica, which means you’re automatically man enough ^_~. Ride! (and eat!)

I always thought unicorn would taste like chicken

Like chicken-fried steak!

in b4 peta.

This steak house would be popular in certain parts of San Fransisco. I want the job of advertising!

Squeee! I heart this shirt!

I LOVE this shirt. I know this never adds to the conversation but…


This never looked like a place to get unicorn steak to me. I thought of it as a place where unicorns do the butchering of the beef…

And the unicorn’s name is:

Sam Franklin.

(Is that creepy?)

It’s a one-eyed, one-horned flying white steak eater!

Congrats Bass:)

Um does this mean the Unicorn Steakhouse really serves unicorn steaks? I thought unicorns were like mythical or something.

Yes…ditto on both statements!

(For me…Anticipation has now become disappointment…)


Awesome Bass. You had a bit of a print drought but now you have 2 for sale at the same time! Great work on this one. I will be picking up one of these, but not untill after tomorrow so that you can have 2 of my dollars :slight_smile:

Yes, yes! REAL unicorn steaks!

Shun the non-believers! This steak house is the ultimate test of manhood. Bring your family as you feast upon the most sparkle laden meat you will ever see! Its so delicious you will be vomiting rainbows for weeks! Free horns with every purchase of $10 dollars or more! If you are able to eat the entire unicorn, Brad Garret will don the unicorn outfit and dance and sing!

Do I have the job?

Of course now you have to repost your speedo wearing unicorn so that multiple parties will be running around in their under roos :slight_smile:

Lord Voldemort’s Restaurant of Choice.

OOh yeah. Americanned!

is unicorn high in calories?

congrats bass!