USB Missile Launcher

Cool. Needed one of these

Got this for my dad last year for fathers day. He loves it. Great to aim and shoot at the cats or at my lazy sister. She really complains at that…I love it!

That was quick.

Does it work with Linux?

hey so if you could us this with an iphone and remote desktop, you could have an arsenal of these and really freak out your roommates…


A guy at work got one of these a moth or so ago from Woot for like $10 + $5 shipping. He likes it. It is noisy though and it takes about 10 seconds from when you tell it to fire for it to actually fire, so no sneak attacks, that is for sure.

Dammit!! I want this one and have no cash money till payday.

Will kippy, jaden, or melanie marie buy this for me and I’ll pay you for it later? :smiley:

whats going on with the site yo

I already have one! Where is the USB pole dancer? The USB body guard?


Shoot! (No pun intended)…I wanted a couple of those!

I swear to god, 8 or 9 more woots like this and I’m stepping away from the computer for 15 minutes or something.

would be great for this

^- must watch!

dang i missed it

best toy ever!!! have 2 of these already

How is it sold out if nobody bought one?

omg SOB already sold out!!! argh!


IT ISN’T YA’LL IT’S “Y’ALL”! It’s a conjunction of YOU ALL. I’m sorely disappointed in you woot you are in TEXAS! Learn to spell our lingo!